Plant Sale Preview: Native Purple Flowers

Posted on | General, Native Plants

Who’s excited for the plant sale!?

We will be highlighting different native plants in the weeks leading up to our spring plant sale, to help you come ready with a list of your must-haves!

First up is for all you purple people out there! (I am one of them 💜)

Anise hyssop: 3-4 ft tall, medium soils, full sun to part shade, blooms June-Sept.

Purple coneflower: 4 ft tall, medium soils, full sun to part shade, blooms July-Sept. Birds love the seeds in fall!

Obedient plant: 4 ft tall, medium to wet soils, full sun to part shade, blooms Aug-Sept. Will spread easily.

Come on over to Facebook to join in the discussion! So far, we have votes for ironweed, asters, anise hyssop, blue false indigo, and purple prairie clover as some of our favorite purple native flowers. Which is your favorite?