Volunteer With Us!
We have many events throughout the year that require the support of volunteers. These events are fun ways to meet fellow Wild Ones members, and to be able to chat and share your love of native plants with gardeners and our local community.

Upcoming Events
- Year End Holiday Potluck, December 10th, 6:00 – 7:30pm. Help us out by bringing a dish to share and staying afterwards to clean up the room!
Annual Events
- Hauberg Estate Plant Sale: help unload and organize hundreds of seedlings and other native plants to fill the carriage house, breaking down boxes, making our presale flats, and answering questions & helping shoppers on the day of the sale.
- Spring WIU Symposium: Plants, Paths & Pizza: set up tables and chairs, help organize food purchasing and organization, assisting speakers, answer questions at our table, clean up.
- Fall Seed Swap: volunteers needed to bring seeds, set up tables, organizing seeds and supplies, clean up.
- Year End Potluck: volunteers help with set up, clean up, bringing supplies, and cooking food.
- Table Events: several volunteers are available at our Wild Ones table at local events throughout the year to offer informational brochures and answer questions about native plants and our organization. Volunteers may also help with transporting supplies to and from the event, set up, and clean up.
- Native Plantings: consultation with site owners, plant selection, putting plants in the ground on planting days.
Open Positions and Ongoing Committees:
We are always looking for willing volunteers to offer their time and talents in creative ways! Please contact us if you have an interest in giving native plant presentations, writing blog posts, or contributing to our social media pages.

How to Volunteer
Please email us at [email protected] and let us know which volunteer opportunity you would like to help with. You can also email us to sign up to be on a volunteer email list to be notified of future opportunities. Thank you for your consideration!