Host plants support insects, particularly caterpillars, by providing food in the form of leaves! For some species of butterflies, they only have one host plant that caterpillars can eat (think monarch caterpillars and milkweed). You absolutely want host plants in your garden! And if you see a chewed up leaf- hooray!!
Wild Lupine: Hosts the endangered Karner Blue butterfly, among others. Blooms May-June, 1-2ft tall, sunny areas with dry soil.
Golden Alexander: Hosts Swallowtail species. Blooms May-June, 1-3ft tall, sun or partial shade, medium soil including heavy clay.
Bluestem Grass: Hosts several Skipper species. Little bluestem is 2-3ft tall, Big bluestem can be up to 8ft. Turns a pretty color in the fall, as shown in this photo. Seeds for birds!
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