Take a Look: Project Wingspan

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The Home Grown Native Plants workshop series is presented by Eleanor Schumacher, Illinois Project Wingspan State Coordinator. Project Wingspan is a volunteer-based native wildflower seed collection and redistribution initiative overseen by Pollinator Partnership.

This webinar series consists of eight workshops taking place between January and September. Each is a casual, friendly, hour-long Zoom talk broadcasting from different locations, involving special guests (partners of the initiative). We hope to guide local citizens through the process of growing native plant plugs from seeds. Episode #1 “Gathering Materials and Getting Started” was recorded and is now viewable on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uKe5qBDzkI0?si=ry8vG1rA-KfdKvMM

“Home Grown Native Plants” webinar series, Episode #2 “Cold Stratification and Germination”, Monday, January 22nd!

It’s easy to grow native plants! No fancy greenhouses needed – you can germinate seeds in flats or containers right outside.  

Project Wingspan Illinois and partners will demonstrate the step-by-step process of growing native plants at home with a series of eight workshops. Attend the second workshop, “Cold Stratification and Germination” on Monday, January22nd at 2 pm. No registration is necessary. Here is the Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 814 2284 2917
One tap mobile: +16699006833,,81422842917# US

List of 2024 Events:

Event #1: Thursday, January 4th – Assembling materials (Location: Six Mile Museum, Granite City)
Event #2: Monday, January 22 – Cold Stratification Process and Sowing (Location: Riverlands Greenhouse, West Alton)
Event #3: Monday, March 4th – Setting up the sprinkler timer
Event #4: Monday, May 6th – Dividing seedlings
Event #5: Monday, June 3rd – Planning your garden
Event #6: Pollinator Week: Monday, June 17th – Planting your garden (Location: StL TBA)
Event #7: Monday, September 9th – Finding homes for extra plants/Growing season burn
Event #8: Monday, September 30th – Planting after burn/Lining up seeds for next year

A huge thank you to Eleanor Schumacher and Project Wingspan for putting on this exciting webinar series!